2D Printers

November 02, 2018

I’m definitely happier when I’m making things targeted at me as the end user.

  • ⚠️There is a bug with the above (implementation of byLine in <CycleItems /> ) that causes a jump on initial render. It’s not hard to see.⚠️

    I really wish I spent more time exploring some of the concepts I’ve outlined here throughout.

    As I go through building Box Man, one of the things I will be exploring is hot reloading multiple devices across networks (like one device is on wifi, another on cellular network) that are connected to each other P2P.

    So this will hot reloading in ‘production’–or, rather, hot reloading in public, since I can do it at a different domain (like box-man-beta.now.sh)

    This might turn out to be interesting.